Thursday, August 28, 2008

Over The Cup Of Coffee........

I did not believe in love.... i need not believe in love...
who made it to happen .. and why did anyone let it happen....
its not usual what has happened but would some one tell me .. who wanted this.... to happen....
we did meet to be happy for a while or to be unhappy for ever....
the happiness is not what i get always.. so then why it has to be so short to happen.....
will i remember u, when u go....but then will i forget you....
and if i have to forget you then why did i happen to meet you...
i thanked God for making me happy for a while.... but he intended me to taste the happyines to lament forever...
no i am not worried to live in pain..... it has always been there... i just ask him then why did the happiness had to realize the pain....
Let me be mean ... let me stop the clock..... but then will i value happyness that is so good to have...for what ever little while....
or wish God to take me away with him unnoticed unlamented.. so i could be happy to see u from the sky ....
and should i wish u to make some one happy or u to be mine...
if God want me to believe in love then He has to see some one happy... but when ever u see in the sky .. u would see me... if u roll a drop from u r eyes.. don't wipe .... it would be me ... to kiss u ... to feel u .. to hug u feel u ..... don't wipe it.. it would be me.. enveloping u in thinnest and slightest way...let me feel... till i vanish for some one to be happy...
Finally i raise my eyes and ask Him.. then way cant i touch her feel her when i love her...
He says your are not destined to be happy... after all every one cannot be happy.....
so if it was not destined to happen then why did that happen.................