Friday, May 15, 2009

Technology improved my options of falling in love....



Born in small town Brahmapuri(20 degree, 36minute and 33 seconds north...and 79 degree 51 minute 38 seconds east..thats my sweet home.. locate on Google earth.. where i slept for 15 years out of 25 years i lived there..i love my family for letting me sleep so well.. and for so many years..i guess they anticipated .. that i would be later on spending sleepless sweet of them.. ).. in Maharashtra.. ..... (of population 5,000 on 14th February 1974.... the auspicious day that i choose to come on this earth... strangely was already celebrated every year for saint valentine( which i learnt when i had past 22 years on this earth...).. and then i thought i was incarnated.......) where power was available for less than drinking water supply time...where television was not available till 1984... what i watched was "amchi mati amchi manase".. that's in marathi .. it means my soil my people ..some crap show about agriculture and irrigation in rural areas,,,.. which i would wait to watch.. with granulated pixel ... my job was to stand near the booster.. and adjust for clarity or... go to terrace and see whether monkey has turned the direction of antenna.. which was often a case.. i never understood out of everything why monkey has to trouble me..till 1990 i did not had privilege of watching semi nude Madonna on mtv.. and internet .. i had never heard of... computers was still object from alien nation... but thanks to
Mr. Bell we had taken first step in advancing social network .. and he invented telephones.. .... but when i was fourteen that's in 1988....i did not had privilege to have one... actually we had only one way to call .. and that was to go to telephone office... bribe half drunk and half slept operator and book trunk call. that's what they called it in those days..

so here is story of young boy .. assume me.. who was was growing to his adolescence .. was looking out to date some one.. in such dark age.. with no technology to support my true heart feeling for every next beautiful or prospective match i came across...... .. till today... i grew with technology ......and would write how my love shaped in those difficult days this easy approachable technology based quick love .. age....


GD said...

You are a genuis my dear friend

Karim Panjwani said...

hey thanks.. but i fail to recognize your identity.. could u please elaborate on it....

rajat chhabda said...

Sahi hai....
well said abt our sweet n small town!!!!
keep ROCKING with ur WRITTING.

Karim Panjwani said...

rajat thanks a lot .. who else except some one from Bramhapuri would understand that....

Jayesh said...

"amchi mati amchi manase"
"...watching semi nude Madonna on mtv.."
Hahahaha!! Mindblowing!This one's the best till date.
The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes.
Superb Karimbhai... :-)

copper said...

brilliant frame work....
the best part is that the humor is taken out from the things generally remained overlooked.....lookin forward to read more on this